January 30, 2023
Julius Feltus did a masterful job as the Master of Ceremony. The New Orleans Police Department Color Guard presented the colors, and NOPD Sgt. Kimera Dufeal sang the national anthem. After the Reverend Richard Burton gave the Invocation, Interim Chancellor Dr. Steve Nelson welcomed everyone to the LSU Health New Orleans campus.
His remarks concluded with this -- “The police officer and healthcare professional share a common mission – to serve and protect the community. Whether that is against a loaded gun or a deadly virus. We both race to safeguard the people we serve, oftentimes at great personal risk. And for that, I say ‘Thank you.’LSU Health New Orleans Director of Campus Security Caesar Ruffin, MPA, commented on the value of such an event. “The ceremony gave LSU Health New Orleans staff and community partners an opportunity to learn more about the man who is leading the LSU Health New Orleans Police Department.”
“The first-class ceremony reinforced this administration’s commitment to making safety for students, faculty, staff, and visitors a top priority,” Ruffin added.
As he placed his hand on a bible held by his wife Ranada, the Honorable Nicole Sheppard, Orleans Parish Civil Court Division J Judge, administered the Oath of Office to Chief Blackman. Then as their children looked on, Ranada Blackman pinned the Chief’s pin on her husband’s dress blues.Following Rev. Burton’s benediction, everyone was invited to celebrate at a brief reception.